School Of Architecture
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Have you ever wondered how you can make an impact? Ever imagined how to create sustainable communities, how to make urban spaces more personal, or how to use design thinking to improve how people work, live, and explore? Study Architecture. Architects shape the future of the building environment, from buildings to neighborhoods to cities to regions.

Explore to find a wealth of resources, including where to learn, what to know, and the latest news in the global architecture community. Read the latest from the Study Architecture blog. We bring together news and events from around the architecture community. Check out students' work, school activities and information from professionals pushing the boundaries of design.

Study Architecture is a one-stop resource for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in the Architecture profession. Sponsored by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Study Architecture brings together colleges and universities, students and working architecture professionals to create a forum for sharing information and ideas.
You've just discovered something special about the built environment.
It's sparked a new idea, a new direction.
You've just realized that you're interested in studying architecture.
So now what?
The path to becoming an architecture student may seem difficult, but it's simpler than you may think.
Finding the right architecture program to match your needs and goals all begins with research. is your best resource to search schools, programs, career opportunities and so much more.
So, you want to use your passion for architecture to make an impact in the world?
We want to help you succeed.
As an architecture student you will use the communities around you to turn ideas into structures with purpose.
You will convert visions into viable solutions for many, and, together, we will create a more innovative, meaningful environment.
We truly look forward to hearing from you.
Study Architecture is a one-stop resource for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in the Architecture profession.
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