Arjen Lagendijk - Architect, PLLC was started in April of 2005. The firm's offices are located in the heart of Meridian's Downtown Historical District. As a small architectural practice, in a primarily rural state like Mississippi, the firm does not specialize in a particular segment of the architectural market. Instead, the firm has endeavored to provide full professional services on a wide range of project types throughout the states of Mississippi and Alabama.
With the principal's more than twenty-five years of experience with a diverse variety of project types, the firm strives to provide the clients with quality services, realizing that in most cases the budget drives the project. Project experience includes healthcare facilities, retail segment, education, fitness, municipal buildings, food service industry, military institutions, hospitality, banking, as well as multi-family/condominium development and custom residential.
With the principal's more than twenty-five years of experience with a diverse variety of project types, the firm strives to provide the clients with quality services, realizing that in most cases the budget drives the project. Project experience includes healthcare facilities, retail segment, education, fitness, municipal buildings, food service industry, military institutions, hospitality, banking, as well as multi-family/condominium development and custom residential.
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