Vincent Cusumano, AIA is the Founder and Principal of our firm. Prior to launching VCA, he was a Senior Architectural Designer for Skidmore Owings & Merrill, Swanke Hayden & Connell, and Phillips Janson. As Principal, Vincent guarantees premium quality by overseeing each project from start to finish. He is nationally certified and licensed in 27 states
Features This bright, white kitchen was carefully balanced with a variety of textures and warm tones. Gary Rosard Architect is a small design firm with a mission to create comfortable modern homes for clients seeking something different than the more traditional design common in our area. We guide our clients through every phase of the project and are
Ileana was born in Havana, Cuba, and grew up between Puerto Rico, Spain and Venezuela. She enrolled at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia at the age of seventeen, and the summer after her Freshman year took an Architectural Design Studio at the Georgia Institute of Technology. It was "love at first sketch, " and she transferred to Tech in order to
Thomas Baio Architect is six person architectural firm located in Millburn, NJ. The firm holds licenses to practice architecture in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Vermont, and Florida. Our practice was founded in 1991 by the principal architect Thomas Baio and boasts a diversified staff of designers & graduate architects from universities around